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Can a short barrel be ordered for the carbine?

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Can a short barrel be ordered for the carbine? Empty Can a short barrel be ordered for the carbine?

Post by TechByJosh Tue Dec 02, 2014 11:35 pm

I would like to order the 5.5" barrel for the long barrel I have now. Is this possible?


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Can a short barrel be ordered for the carbine? Empty Re: Can a short barrel be ordered for the carbine?

Post by bolus Wed Dec 03, 2014 1:01 pm

Best to send it back to Kriss to do the barrel swap for you. Apparently the barrel is pressed into the receiver in a way that it is very difficult to remove and there is a good chance attempting it will damage the gun. Barrel removal isnt even covered in the armorer's guide kriss released.


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Can a short barrel be ordered for the carbine? Empty Re: Can a short barrel be ordered for the carbine?

Post by quitekriss Thu Dec 04, 2014 4:48 am

almost sent this and couldnt help but to tell you about NFA laws, ONLY because you were asking a simply searched question...not that im not guilty of the same but i do try.
you cant change a rifle to a pistol without paperwork. which means even if you take your stock off and sell it, it's still a rifle as it was made a rifle and cant change to a pistol.

dont know if youre doing an sbr or what but there is also another way, have a gunsmith cut and thread (if you want threads again, but you will NEED a recrown) the barrel to your desired length.
only thing its a bit tricky on the kriss making sure the threads are concentric, again if you ever plan on using them.
theres a post on the form for contacting a smith that apparently already has everything set up to do it.
as you now know its not a usual job
im just looking for a re-thread though, as the kriss threads are european.
i digress
i googled the guy and couldnt come up with much, i was just a little apprehensive sending my lower in the mail without meeting them/no info.
i happened across a local smith that has done it before, and is from what i can tell is very reputable.
on their facebook feed around sept.10-18 it had pics of them doing a few things to a kriss.
shipping is only $10 and a normal thread is $50

disclamer im in no way affiliated with these guys just passing on info!

ill probably post a new thread to make sure ppl see it


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