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Shooting 9mm vector without shroud

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Shooting 9mm vector without shroud  Empty Shooting 9mm vector without shroud

Post by Stormm12 Sun Nov 27, 2016 7:32 pm

Hi all, I'm just wondering if the 9mm vector can be fired without the barrel shroud (18.6" barrel), or if this will damage the carbine. Any impacts on accuracy?

Thanks in advance!


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Shooting 9mm vector without shroud  Empty Re: Shooting 9mm vector without shroud

Post by EchoLimaBravo Sun Nov 27, 2016 7:50 pm

Sorry double posted

Last edited by EchoLimaBravo on Sun Nov 27, 2016 7:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Shooting 9mm vector without shroud  Empty Re: Shooting 9mm vector without shroud

Post by EchoLimaBravo Sun Nov 27, 2016 7:55 pm

It's a shroud, so by definition it won't affect function. Although there isn't much real estate for a lead hand grip without it...that will likely affect accuracy just from a shooting platform basis.

Why the question?

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Shooting 9mm vector without shroud  Empty Re: Shooting 9mm vector without shroud

Post by Stormm12 Sun Nov 27, 2016 8:50 pm

I just find the Canadian version heavy, and it looks very bulky with the shroud, in my opinion. I use a vfg on the real, so no shroud will not change my shooting. I was just worried that the shroud may prevent flexing of the barrel or something. Although I know barrel harmonics are important so maybe accuracy would get even better!


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Shooting 9mm vector without shroud  Empty Re: Shooting 9mm vector without shroud

Post by DBLSHOT79 Mon Nov 28, 2016 11:04 am

I hate my shroud as well. The vector carbine isn't balance in weight well. Most of its weight is up front. At first it isnt much but after an hour of shooting you definetly feel the fatigue. Here in NJ I must have a 16" barrel. I've taken the shroud off just to feel the difference in weight and it's a whole lot better, but never fired it with the shroud off. I can only assume how much fun the sbr version would be to own.


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Shooting 9mm vector without shroud  Empty Re: Shooting 9mm vector without shroud

Post by Stormm12 Mon Nov 28, 2016 11:08 am

Yeah, the weight is awesome without the shroud. I'm going to try to shoot it the next time I go out. Here in Canada we can own the SBR, but it has to be registered and can only be used at an approved range. The CRB (18" barrel) is non-restricted and does not need to be registered.


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Shooting 9mm vector without shroud  Empty Re: Shooting 9mm vector without shroud

Post by scootle Tue Nov 29, 2016 1:43 am

Can also run the bare barrel and slap a DiamondHead handguard on there... while it adds weight, it does offer more real estate for hand positions that don't contact the barrel itself:


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Shooting 9mm vector without shroud  Empty Re: Shooting 9mm vector without shroud

Post by Stormm12 Tue Nov 29, 2016 5:34 am

Good call thank you!


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