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Vector Upgrade question

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Vector Upgrade question Empty Vector Upgrade question

Post by winmag45 Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:15 pm

I have a GEN1 Vector and the only thing I don't like is the trigger.Would it be better to send it back for the GEN2 upgrade or just get a trigger job?Thanks


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Vector Upgrade question Empty Re: Vector Upgrade question

Post by chinoyboi14 Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:10 am

winmag45 wrote:I have a GEN1 Vector and the only thing I don't like is the trigger.Would it be better to send it back for the GEN2 upgrade or just get a trigger job?Thanks

I asked Kriss USA about upgrading to Gen 2 since I was told it would be possible to do so, around the time the Gen 2 was announced. I followed up back in 2018 on FB messenger and got this response:

"No, the Gen 1 Vector receiver is not compatible with a Gen 2 upper assembly. Additionally, a Gen 1 Vector upper assembly is not compatible with a Gen 2 receiver."

Not the response I was looking for. My CRB has repeatable failure to feed malfunctions every 3rd to last round on multiple mags. Can't believe I paid 2k for this thing new a few years ago, when Gen 2s can be had for about 1400 or less 😡


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Vector Upgrade question Empty Re: Vector Upgrade question

Post by winmag45 Sat Jun 06, 2020 8:36 am

Thats weird becuase right in the FAQ section of their website it says it can be done.I can't say I have had any function issues with mine ,but the trigger is nothing short of awful.


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Vector Upgrade question Empty Re: Vector Upgrade question

Post by bluonyx Sun Dec 13, 2020 5:33 pm

I have a Gen 1 and nothing but functional/ejection errors with mine. I sent it in for service right after the Gen 2's came out and they updated everything they could. Which is great cause I haven't had any issues with it since. I don't see why they can't do that for your model.

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